Our Purpose

Uganda has the second youngest population in the world, with around half of its 46 million people below the age of 15. The country also also one of the highest rates of depressive disorders in Africa (4.6%; Miller et al., 2020), while 2.9% live with anxiety disorders (WHO, 2017) and 1 in 4 (5,750,000) children below the age of 15 experience some form of psychosocial distress. (UNICEF 2021).

Many of these young adults are deprived of positive and supportive communities, reside in broken families, and need psychosocial support. Their circumstances deny them the opportunity to grow up in supportive, loving environments, and prevent them becoming grounded, smart, and responsible young adults. Adverse effects on young adult’s social functioning inhibits their ability to make and maintain meaningful relationships, build resilience, dream beyond their circumstances and attain their life aspirations.

We believe in a world where all young people, regardless of their diverse backgrounds, have the opportunities and skills they need to transform their lives, their communities, and the world at large. This commitment drives us forward every day.

Our Opinion

Unless we address the issues that undermine young people and prevent them learning, living healthy and developing their potential, we effectively limit their life opportunities.

The Power Of Arts


Creative expression supports cognitive and fine motor skills development, which is essential for the healthy development among children and young people.


Engaging in arts and crafts within a safe and supportive environment helps young people to process their stress and heal from traumatic life experiences.

For fun

The beauty of art is that it has no boundaries or barriers; it’s a universal language that excites and liberates children and young people. Art creation brings joy to artists as well as viewers.

Let's Work Together

Together, we can do great things! Let‘s reach out to more young people from underserved communities.

Shop for Your Loved Ones

Invest in the education of children from financially challenged backgrounds by purchasing their artworks or merchandise featuring their artistic designs. Visit www.store.facesup.org and help enable children at the margins to access life-changing education.

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