Sustainable Youth Livelihoods in the Creative Economy

Faces Up Uganda, presents an innovative solution to address these pressing socio-economic challenges. Titled “Accelerating Sustainable Girls and Women Empowerment for Employability and Livelihood Opportunities,” this project aims to uplift economically disadvantaged girls and women in Manasafu, Bukulugi in Kampala district and Gulu, District, Northern Uganda.

The project’s primary objective is to empower young women with hands-on skills training in arts and crafts jewelry making, basketry, and hairdressing. By equipping them with these practical skills, the project seeks to enable young women to access dignified and fulfilling employment opportunities, either as employees or entrepreneurs, thereby enabling them to actively participate, and benefit from the development process.

Through practical skills training and support in marketing their products online and offline, the project aims to enable young women to generate income and contribute positively to their communities. Ultimately, by fostering economic empowerment among vulnerable populations, the project seeks to create a more inclusive and prosperous society in Uganda.

Quick Summary


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